99.94 Editions - The Phantom Portrait Gallery

The Sixth Print: The 2nd Phantom

by Fred Fredericks

acrylic on board, 457mm x 609mm (18" x 24")

28 April 2000

"Walkers Table -- this and the skull cave in the jungle have always been our homes..."

Fred Fredericks' contribution to the Phantom Portrait Gallery was completed in about October 1999, and has been awaiting an appropriate opportunity for release of the prints. What better time than to mark the birthday of Lee Falk? The sixth print depicts the 2nd Phantom riding a pinto stallion with Walker's Table in the background. In Fred's own words:

"The Phantom of his time rides in on a painted stallion ... wearing old time boots, gauntlets, hand muskets ... as he rides to the table, he is aware of being surrounded ... is it a friend or foe? ... Indians of that era."

Unfortunately, Fred was unable to visit Australia to sign each copy of his print, so Dietmar came up with a novel idea. A rectangular piece of Chiri paper, individually torn by hand and signed by Fred Fredericks, was embossed onto the bottom-right corner of each print, using the new 99.94 Editions logo design. The end result was remarkably effective, adding an extra dimension to the prints.

The painting was displayed for the first time at the 2nd dinner of The Lee Falk Memorial Bengali Explorers Club. A photo of Dietmar with Fred's painting is shown below, along with the original pencil concept.

Dietmar displays Fred's painting at the 2nd dinner of The Lee Falk Memorial Bengali Explorers Club

The original pencil sketch for the painting

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Bryan Shedden / guran@deepwoods.org
Last updated 1 July 2000