F# | Story title | Writer | Artist | Pages | Fantomen | Frew |
201 | Mordbrännaren The Arsonist | Avenell | Bade | 32 | F 10/1981 | |
202 | Djungelns budbärare The Messengers of the Jungle | Avenell | Bess | 32 | F 11/1981 | |
203 | Kejsarskatten The Imperial Treasure | Granberg | Vallvé | 32 | F 12/1981 | |
204 | Legenden om svärden. del 1: Excalibur The Legend of the Swords, Part 1: Excalibur | Worker | Vallvé | 32 | F 13/1981 | |
205 | Legenden om svärden, del 2: Durandal The Legend of the Swords, Part 2: Durandal | Worker | Vallvé | 32 | F 14/1981 | |
206 | Vapensmuggling Weapon Smuggling | Kharelli | Westad | 25 | F 16/1981 | |
207 | Vasti Riba | Kharelli | Vallvé | 32 | F 18/1981 | |
208 | Dödlig sammansvärjning Deadly Conspiracy | Worker | Bess | 32 | F 19/1981 | |
209 | Cirkusmördaren The Circus Murderer | Avenell | Leppänen | 32 | F 22/1981 | 891A |
210 | Månörten The Moon Herb | Avenell | Eralp | 34 | F 23/1981 | |
211 | Häxornas sabbat The Witches' Sabbath | Kharelli | Westad | 32 | F 26/1981 | |
212 | Avslöjad Revealed | Kharelli | Aasnes | 26 | F 1/1982 | |
213 | Den ödelagda regnskogen The Destroyed Rain Forest | Worker | Bade | 34 | F 2/1982 | |
214 | Prima Ballerina | Kharelli | Bess | 32 | F 4/1982 | |
215 | Tulpansvindeln The Tulip Swindle | Granberg | Vallvé | 40 | F 5/1982 | |
216 | Stenhuggarfolket The Stone Carving People | Avenell | Bade | 31 | F 6/1982 | |
217 | Den dödskallemärkte The Skull-marked | Worker | Leppänen | 34 | F 7/1982 | 1450 |
218 | I fredens tjänst In the Service of Peace | Kharelli | Bess | 32 | F 9/1982 | |
219 | Diana bortrövad Diana Abducted | Kharelli | Vallvé | 32 | F 11/1982 | |
220 | Mördaren The Murderer | Granberg | Vallvé | 32 | F 12/1982 | |
221 | Giftdrömmar Poison Dreams | Kharelli | Leppänen | 32 | F 15/1982 | 1032 |
222 | Satellitens hemlighet Secret of the Satellite | Worker | Vallvé | 32 | F 18/1982 | |
223 | Pojkdetektiverna The Boy Detectives | Avenell | Bess | 32 | F 20/1982 | |
224 | Den gåtfulla grottan The Mysterious Cave | Kharelli | Bess | 32 | F 21/1982 | |
225 | Ch'Gaans förbannelse Ch'Gaan's Curse | Kharelli | Bess | 32 | F 23/1982 | |
226 | Dödens diamanter Diamonds of Death | Pelerin | Leppänen | 32 | F 24/1982 | 838 |
227 | Den gömda dalen The Hidden Valley | Worker | Bade | 33 | F 1/1983 | |
228 | Zombieligan The Zombie League | Avenell | Lindahl | 32 | F 4/1983 | 853A |
229 | Vit slavhandel White Slave Trade | Darell | Leppänen | 32 | F 5/1983 | 1434 |
230 | Ormöns gåta The Secret of Snake Island | Avenell | Bade | 32 | F 7/1983 | 887A |
231 | Trumslagarens hämnd Revenge of the Drummer | Worker | Westad | 32 | F 9/1983 | 914A |
232 | Barnfarmen The Child Farm | Darell | Vallvé | 32 | F 10/1983 | |
233 | Svart elfenben Black Ivory | Gauraz | Bess | 32 | F 11/1983 | 825A |
234 | Frihetens ögonblick The Moment of Freedom | Gauraz | Bess | 32 | F 12/1983 | 825A |
235 | Dödens mask The Mask of Death | Granberg | Vallvé | 32 | F 13/1983 | |
236 | Den gåtfulla källan The Mysterious Well | Darell/Ewers | Lindahl | 30 | F 15/1983 | 874 |
237 | Spökkometen The Ghost Comet | Kharelli | Leppänen | 32 | F 16/1983 | 1435 |
238 | Död mans guld Dead Man's Gold | Worker | Eralp | 32 | F 17/1983 | |
239 | Leopardkulten The Leopard Cult | Worker | Vallvé | 32 | F 19/1983 | |
240 | Heros dom Hero's Sentence | Darell | Leppänen | 23 | F 20/1983 | 1032 |
241 | Den viskande statyn The Whispering Statue | Avenell | Bade | 32 | F 22/1983 | |
242 | Motorcykelligan The Motorcycle Gang | Avenell | Bess | 32 | F 23/1983 | 872A |
243 | Mysteriernas mästare The Master of Mysteries | Worker | Lindahl | 32 | F 25/1983 | 853A |
244 | Djävulsröken The Devil's Smoke | Darell | Bess | 32 | F 27/1983 | |
245 | Den flytande ön The Floating Island | Darell | Lindahl | 32 | F 2/1984 | 850 |
246 | Dolken The Dagger | Darell | Vallvé | 32 | F 3/1984 | |
247 | Ondskans sändebud Messenger of Evil | Worker | Leppänen | 36 | F 4/1984 | 1373 |
248 | Kommando II Commando II | Darell | Bess | 32 | F 5/1984 | 887A |
249 | Hero | Avenell | Vallvé | 32 | F 7/1984 | |
250 | Kvinnomördaren The Woman Killer | Kharelli | Westad | 32 | F 8/1984 | |
251 | Klosterskatten The Convent Treasure | Avenell | Bade | 32 | F 9/1984 | |
252 | Fantomens okända syster The Phantom's Unknown Sister | Kharelli | Bess | 32 | F 10/1984 | |
253 | Gula ormens pirater Pirates of the Yellow Snake | Worker | Vallvé | 32 | F 11/1984 | |
254 | Förbannelsen The Curse | Darell | Eralp | 22 | F 12/1984 | |
255 | Barracudas skatt The Treasure of the Barracuda | Worker | Vallvé | 46 | F 13/1984 | |
256 | Ormringen The Snake Ring | Darell | Leppänen | 32 | F 14/1984 | |
257 | Hemligheten The Secret | Avenell | Vallvé | 32 | F 16/1984 | |
258 | Djävulens broderskap, del 1: Den röda staven The Devil's Brotherhood, Part 1: The Red Staff | Kharelli | Lindahl | 32 | F 17/1984 | 867A |
259 | Fantomens hemliga sidor The Phantom's Secret Pages | Granberg/Kharelli/Redno | Leppänen | ? | F 17/1984 | |
260 | Djävulens broderskap, del 2: Tigergeneralen The Devil's Brotherhood, Part 2: The Tiger General | Kharelli | Lindahl | 32 | F 18/1984 | 867A |
261 | Djävulens broderskap, del 3: Slutstriden The Devil's Brotherhood, Part 3: The Final Battle | Kharelli | Lindahl | 32 | F 19/1984 | 867A |
262 | Poker med en vålnad Poker with a Ghost | Worker | Eralp | 34 | F 20/1984 | |
263 | Mannen som inte kunde dö The Man who Could Not Die | Kharelli | Bess | 32 | F 21/1984 | 858A |
264 | Guldfeber Gold Fever | Tierres | Vallvé | 32 | F 22/1984 | |
265 | Fången på spökskeppet The Prisoner on the Ghost Ship | Tierres | Vallvé | 32 | F 23/1984 | |
266 | Pestsmittad Plague Infected | Worker | Vallvé | 32 | F 24/1984 | |
267 | Den förste Fantomen The First Phantom | Tierres | Leppänen | 36 | F 25/1984 | 1051 |
268 | Dödens dal The Valley of Death | Darell | Bade | 28 | F 26/1984 | |
269 | Tigerguden The Tiger God | Darell | Vallvé | 28 | F 2/1985 | |
270 | Den vita ryttaren The White Rider | Darell | Lindahl | 32 | F 3/1985 | 902 |
271 | Svarthandske Black Glove | Tierres | Westad | 30 | F 4/1985 | 898 |
272 | Pestens stad The City of Pestilence | Tierres | Westad/Sydsæter | 29 | F 5/1985 | 899 |
273 | Guldormen The Gold Snake | Kharelli/Redno | Leppänen | 15 | F 5-14/1985 | |
274 | Black Poes skatt Black Poe's Treasure | Gauraz | Bess | 32 | F 7/1985 | |
275 | Vraket i Timpennisundet The Wreck in the Timpenni Sound | Tierres | Bade | 32 | F 8/1985 | 903 |
276 | Tempelskatten The Temple Treasure | Falck/Wrethagen/Granberg | Leppänen | 24 | F 9/1985 | |
277 | Pirater i sikte Pirates in Sight | Worker | Lindahl | 32 | F 10/1985 | 858A |
278 | Skatten i borgen The Treasure in the Castle | Kharelli/Granberg | Vallvé | 32 | F 12/1985 | |
279 | Fången på Capitolium The Prisoner at Capitolium | Kharelli/Granberg | Vallvé | 32 | F 13/1985 | |
280 | Yohimbas gåva eller Gurans hemlighet Yohimba's Gift or Guran's Secret | Kharelli | Eralp | 30 | F 14/1985 | |
281 | Dödens nöjesfält The Carnival of Death | Tierres | Vallvé | 32 | F 15/1985 | |
282 | Den gråtande gudabilden The Crying Idol | Tierres | Bess | 32 | F 16/1985 | |
283 | Skorpians återkomst Return of the Scorpia | Worker | Leppänen | 32 | F 18/1985 | 872A |
284 | Livets eld The Fire of Life | Tierres | Lindahl | 32 | F 19/1985 | 1031 |
285 | Kistan från Bombay The Coffin From Bombay | Tierres | Vallvé | 32 | F 21/1985 | |
286 | Shamurs öga Shamur's Eye | Tierres | Vallvé | 32 | F 22/1985 | |
287 | Black Fagin | Tierres | Leppänen | 32 | F 23/1985 | 1447 |
288 | Fången på Boomsby The Prisoner on Boomsby | Avenell | Lindahl | 26 | F 24/1985 | 928 |
289 | Julie | Worker | Bess | 34 | F 25/1985 | 1068 |
290 | Patrullman Mary Patrolman Mary | Worker | Bade | 34 | F 26/1985 | |
291 | Dimmornas barn Children of the Mist | Darell | Bess | 32 | F 2/1986 | 895 |
292 | Myntets hemlighet Secret of the Coin | Darell | Vallvé | 28 | F 3/1986 | |
293 | Dödens hed The Moor of Death | Tierres | Vallvé | 32 | F 4/1986 | |
294 | Kapplöpning med döden Race against Death | Granberg | Lindahl | 32 | F 5/1986 | 901 |
295 | Quabars hemlighet Quabar's Secret | Darell | Eralp | 26 | F 6/1986 | 894 |
296 | Lätta pengar Easy Money | Tierres | Bess | 30 | F 7/1986 | |
297 | Skyternas skatt Treasure of the Scythians | Worker | Vallvé | 32 | F 8/1986 | |
298 | Duellen i Venedig The Duel in Venice | Worker | Leppänen | 25 | F 9/1986 | 937 |
299 | Striden på Malta The Battle on Malta | Worker | Leppänen | 26 | F 10/1986 | 938 |
300 | Dimöns demon The Demon of Fog Island | Tierres | Westad/Eralp | 34 | F 11/1986 |
Introduction | 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701+ | Fantomenlegender |