F# | Story title | Writer | Artist | Pages | Fantomen | Frew |
601 | Sekhmets stjärna The Star of Sekhmet | Ikonen/Hansegård/McLaughlin | Felmang/Morrik | 32 | F 20/1998 | 1214 |
602 | Goldhands återkomst The Return of Goldhand | De Paul | Bade | 32 | F 22/1998 | 1216 |
603 | Jerikos lurar The Horns of Jericho | Moberg | Cruz | 30 | F 23/1998 | 1217 |
604 | Den siste Fantomen, del 1: Den åttonde cirkeln The Last Phantom, Part 1: The Eight Circle | Reimerthi | Felmang | 32 | F 24/1998 | 1218 |
605 | Den siste Fantomen, del 2: Den utvalde The Last Phantom, Part 2: The Chosen One | Reimerthi | Felmang | 32 | F 25/1998 | 1220 |
606 | De sju dockornas tempel The Temple of the Seven Dolls | Hansegård/McLaughlin | Spadari | 30 | F 26/1998 | 1221 |
607 | Tidens källa The Source of Time | Longstreet | Boix | 32 | F 1/1999 | 1222 |
608 | Kryptans hemlighet The Secret of the Crypt | Reimerthi | Boix | 32 | F 2/1999 | 1223 |
609 | Hopkins hämnd Hopkin's Revenge | De Paul | Spadari | 29 | F 3/1999 | 1224 |
610 | Djungelns herre The Lord of the Jungle | Johnsen/Reimerthi | Bade | 27 | F 4/1999 | 1225 |
611 | Dödligt spel Deadly Game | Reimerthi | Cruz | 32 | F 5/1999 | 1226 |
612 | Mordet på Lincoln The Murder of Lincoln | De Paul | Spadari | 29 | F 6/1999 | 1229 |
613 | Mördare i blått Murderer in Blue | De Paul | Felmang | 32 | F 7/1999 | 1230 |
614 | Montbars skatt Montbar's Treasure | Reimerthi | Boix | 32 | F 8/1999 | 1231 |
615 | Förrädaren The Traitor | Lindahl | Lindahl | 32 | F 9/1999 | 1232 |
616 | Den svarte Fantomen The Black Phantom | Worker | Felmang | 32 | F 10/1999 | 1233 |
617 | Voodooprästen The Voodoo Priest | Reimerthi | Bade | 32 | F 11/1999 | 1235 |
618 | Guldbuddhan The Golden Buddha | Reimerthi | Cruz | 32 | F 12/1999 | 1236 |
619 | Gyllene oxens förbund The Covenant of the Golden Ox | Reimerthi | Spadari | 31 | F 13/1999 | 1237 |
620 | Nautilus | Longstreet | Felmang | 30 | F 14/1999 | 1238 |
621 | Guldmakaren The Gold Maker | Reimerthi | Lindahl | 30 | F 15/1999 | 1239 |
622 | Simsons bojor Samson's Chains | Raab | Boix | 32 | F 16/1999 | 1240 |
623 | Ondskans borg Castle of Evil | Reimerthi | Boix | 31 | F 17/1999 | 1241 |
624 | Under falsk flagg Under False Flag | Goodall | Felmang | 31 | F 18/1999 | 1242 |
625 | Ondskans redskap Tool of Evil | De Paul | Bade | 31 | F 19/1999 | 1243 |
626 | Domedagssekten The Doomsday Cult | Raab | Spadari | 31 | F 20/1999 | 1244 |
627 | Barbaresk-piraterna The Barbary Pirates | Worker | Cruz | 30 | F 21/1999 | 1245 |
628 | Halloween-ligan The Halloween Gang | Reimerthi | Lindahl | 31 | F 22/1999 | 1246 |
629 | Levande last Living Cargo | Reimerthi | Spadari | 31 | F 23/1999 | 1247 |
630 | Monumentet The Monument | De Paul | Boix | 34 | F 25/1999 | 1248 |
631A | Tigerflickan The Tiger Girl | Falk (D42) | Felmang/Ferri | 31 | F 1/2000 | 1252 |
632 | Skuggor över S:t Lucifer Shadows over St Lucifer | Reimerthi | Bade | 34 | F 2/2000 | 1250 |
633 | Häxorna i Bedburg, del 1: Vattenprovet The Witches of Bedburg, Part 1 The Water Test | Moberg | Leppänen | 28 | F 3/2000 | 1253 |
634 | Häxorna i Bedburg, del 2: Den onde The Witches of Bedburg, Part 2 The Evil One | Moberg | Leppänen | 29 | F 4/2000 | 1255 |
635 | Ödets spjut, del 1: Provet The Spear of Destiny, Part 1 The Test | Raab | Boix | 32 | F 5/2000 | 1256 |
636 | Lubangas hämnd, del 1: Dubbelgångaren Lubanga's Revenge, Part 1 The Double | De Paul | Felmang/Benny | 30 | F 6/2000 | 1257 |
637 | Lubangas hämnd, del 2: Dubbelspel Lubanga's Revenge, Part 2 Double Play | De Paul | Spadari | 35 | F 7/2000 | 1258 |
638 | Guldapan från Macao The Gold Monkey from Macao | Longstreet | Cruz | 28 | F 8/2000 | 1260 |
639A | Drottning Pera Queen Pera | Falk (S14) | Felmang/Ferri | 24 | F 9/2000 | 1264 |
640 | Ödets spjut, del 2: Dödlig last The Spear of Destiny, part 2: Deadly Cargo | Raab | Boix | 30 | F 10/2000 | 1261 |
641 | Viva Las Vegas | De Paul | Spadari | 32 | F 11/2000 | 1262 |
642 | Stamus Contra Malo, del 1 | Reimerthi | Bade | 31 | F 12/2000 | 1265 |
643 | Stamus Contra Malo, del 2 | Reimerthi | Felmang/Morrik | 31 | F 13/2000 | 1266 |
644 | Den svarta drottningen The Black Queen | Longstreet | Felmang/Benny | 30 | F 14/2000 | 1267 |
645 | Den 22:e Fantomen, del 1 The 22nd Phantom, Part 1 | Lindahl | Lindahl | 31 | F 15/2000 | 1268 |
646 | Den 22:e Fantomen, del 2 The 22nd Phantom, Part 2 | Lindahl | Lindahl | 31 | F 16/2000 | 1269 |
647 | Julie och häxdoktorn Julie and the Witch Doctor | Reimerthi | Felmang/Morrik | 34 | F 17/2000 | 1271 |
648 | Kung Tzakas grav The Tomb of King Tzaka | Jönsson | Leppänen | 30 | F 18/2000 | 1272 |
649 | Zombiemakaren The Zombie Maker | Frognes | Boix | 34 | F 19/2000 | 1273 |
650 | Häxdoktorns hemlighet The Secret of the Witch Doctor | Frognes | Bade | 34 | F 20/2000 | 1275 |
651 | Fantomen vs Singh 2050 The Phantom vs Singh 2050 | Reimerthi | Lindahl | 38 | F 21/2000 | 1276 |
652 | Ett dödligt val A Deadly Choice | Moberg | Cruz | 30 | F 22/2000 | 1277 |
653 | Ödets spjut, del 3: Djävulens malström The Spear of Destiny, Part 3: The Devil's Vortex | Raab | Boix | 31 | F 23/2000 | 1278 |
654 | Svärdet i sanden The Sword in the Sand | Jönsson | Spadari | 31 | F 24/2000 | 1281 |
655 | Mysteriet i Baltimore The Mystery in Baltimore | De Paul | Spadari | 31 | F 25/2000 | 1282 |
656 | Ödets spjut, del 4: Ödets barn The Spear of Destiny, Part 4: Children of Destiny | Raab | Boix | 31 | F 26/2000 | 1279 |
657A | Lady Luck, del 1 | Falk (D32) | Felmang | 33 | F 1/2001 | 1283 |
658A | Lady Luck, del 2 | Falk (D32) | Felmang | 32 | F 2/2001 | 1284 |
659 | St. Lucifers skatt The Treasure of St Lucifer | Reimerthi | Bade | 31 | F 3/2001 | 1288 |
660 | Hämndens ö The Island of Vengeance | Reimerthi | Lindahl | 31 | F 4/2001 | 1285 |
661 | Den törstiga gudinnan The Thirsty Goddess | Jönsson | Cruz | 31 | F 5/2001 | 1286 |
662 | Den svarte stråtrövaren The Black Highwayman | De Paul | Spadari | 31 | F 6/2001 | 1287 |
663 | Durhams förbannelse The Curse of Durham | Reimerthi | Boix | 31 | F 7/2001 | 1289 |
664 | Svarta katten The Black Cat | Longstreet | Felmang | 31 | F 8/2001 | 1290 |
665 | Den förlorade sonen The Lost Son | Reimerthi | Spadari | 33 | F 9/2001 | 1292 |
666 | Spionen The Spy | Lindahl | Lindahl | 31 | F 14/2001 | 1299 |
667 | Piratnatten The Pirate Night | Reimerthi | Boix | ?? | F 15/2001 | 1296 |
668 | I maffians våld In the hands of the Mafia | Raab | Felmang | 31 | F 16/2001 | 1298 |
669 | Attentatet The Attack | De Paul | Leppänen | 31 | F 17/2001 | 1300 |
670 | Hjälten The Hero | Raab | Dan Davis | 10 | F 17/2001 | |
671 | Da Silvas slavar Da Silva's Slaves | Hedman | Spadari | 30 | F 18/2001 | 1301 |
672 | Spökhuset The Ghost House | Reimerthi | Boix | 31 | F 20/2001 | 1303 |
673 | Träskguldet The Swamp Gold | Jönsson | Felmang | 31 | F 21/2001 | 1304 |
674 | Kuslig last Spooky Cargo | Hedman | Perlin | 31 | F 22/2001 | 1305 |
675 | Djungelrallyt The Jungle Rally | Lindahl | Lindahl | 31 | F 23/2001 | 1306 |
676 | Skeppsbruten Shipwrecked | Worker | Cruz | 29 | F 24/2001 | 1307 |
677 | Den osynlige Fantomen The Invisible Phantom | Raab | Paul Ryan | 31 | F 25/2001 | 1308 |
678 | Klosteröns hemlighet The Secret of Convent Island | Bishop | Spadari | 31 | F 26/2001 | 1311 |
679 | Häxjakt Witch Hunt | Reimerthi | Boix | 31 | F 1/2002 | 1313 |
680 | El Dorado, del 1: Kartan El Dorado, Part 1: The Map | Frognes | Frognes | 31 | F 2/2002 | 1314 |
681 | El Dorado, del 2: Skatten El Dorado, Part 2: The Treasure | Frognes | Frognes | 31 | F 3/2002 | 1315 |
682 | Den nye eleven The New Pupil | Reimerthi | Boix | 31 | F 4/2002 | 1316 |
683 | Bankrånarna, del 1 The Bank Robbers, Part 1 | Moberg | Felmang | 31 | F 5/2002 | 1318 |
684 | Bankrånarna, del 2 The Bank Robbers, Part 2 | Moberg | Felmang | 28 | F 6/2002 | 1319 |
685 | Häxmästarens hus House of the Witch Master | Longstreet | Giordano | 31 | F 7/2002 | 1320 |
686 | Helveteshunden The Hellhound | Reimerthi | Cruz | 31 | F 8/2002 | 1321 |
687 | Den flytande kyrkogården The Floating Cemetary | Lindahl | Lindahl | 31 | F 9/2002 | 1322 |
688 | Klockmakaren The Clock Maker | De Paul | Bade | 34 | F 10/2002 | 1323 |
689 | Inkvisitorn The Inquisitor | Longstreet | Spadari | 32 | F 12/2002 | 1327 |
690 | Bengalitriangeln The Bengali Triangle | Jönsson | Perlin | 31 | F 13/2002 | |
691 | Bandani-piraterna The Bandani Pirates | Frognes | Felmang | 31 | F 14/2002 | 1328 |
692 | Den mystiska pilbågen The Mysterious Longbow | Bishop | Paul Ryan | 31 | F 15/2002 | 1329 |
693 | Den stumme hämnaren The Silent Avenger | Hedman | Bade | 30 | F 17/2002 | 1331 |
694 | På främmande mark In a Strange Land | Reimerthi | Spadari | 30 | F 19/2002 | 1332 |
695 | I kamp mot ondskan Fight Against Evil | Reimerthi | Spadari | 30 | F 20/2002 | 1333 |
696 | De utstötta bandarerna The Outcast Bandars | Lindahl | Lindahl | 31 | F 21/2002 | 1334 |
697 | Dödligt gästabud Deadly Feast | Bishop | Paul Ryan | 31 | F 22/2002 | 1336 |
698 | Patrullman Weeks uppdrag Patrolman Weeks' Mission | Reimerthi | Felmang | 30 | F 23/2002 | 1337 |
699 | Merlins öga Merlin's Eye | Moberg | Cruz | 31 | F 25/2002 | 1338 |
700 | Vrakplundrarens hämnd Revenge of the Shipwrecker | Reimerthi | Giordano | 31 | F 2/2003 | 1347 |
Introduction | 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701+ | Fantomenlegender |