The Missing Semic Stories

Frew Publications have been reprinting stories sourced from Scandinavia since November 1981 (#730). Already by then, Semic (now known as Egmont) had a long established history of creating their own Phantom stories, with their first appearing in 1963. During the 1960s they made several stories that could be called exclusively their own, but mostly they dabbled with redrawn versions of Falk's newspaper stories, plus redrawn versions of stories created by Fratelli Spada in Italy. During this stage, the creative team consisted of Bertil Wilhelmsson and Özcan Eralp, with a couple stories from the veteran cover artist Rolf Gohs. Things did not really get started for Semic until they recruited Janne Lundström to write original stories (1970) and Jaime Vallvé to draw them (1972) -- they set the benchmark for what was soon to follow. During the 1970s, "Team Fantomen" was expanded when these two creators were joined by writers Magnus Knutsson (1970), Ulf Granberg (1975), Norman Worker (1976), Donne Avenell (1978), and artists Heiner Bade (1975), George Bess (1976), Kari Leppänen (1979), Knut Westad (1979) ... and some of these guys are still making new Phantom stories today! Moving into the 1980s, the old hands in Team Fantomen were supplemented by writers Eirik Ildahl aka Idi Kharelli (1981), Diane Alfredhsson aka Dai Darell (1983), Claes Reimerthi aka Michael Tierres (1984), Scott Goodall (1989) and artists Hans Lindahl (1983), César Spadari (1987), Romano Felmang (1987), Carlos Cruz (1988), Jean-Yves Mitton (1989). A detailed list of all past and present members of Team Fantomen is available HERE.

Frew were initially cautious with publishing the Scandinavian stories and it was not until Jim Shepherd's arrival in 1987 that they began to rely heavily on Semic for new content. By 1995 Frew were printing just about every new story they could get from Semic (who were taken over by Egmont in 1997). With this is mind, it is not too surprising that there are over 250 Semic stories that have not been printed by Frew, not even counting the redrawn Falk and Italian stories from the 1960s. The list below provides details for all of these "missing" Semic stories. The original Swedish story titles are shown in addition to an English translation.

A complete list of all stories created by Team Fantomen is available HERE, including the Frew issue numbers for those that have been reprinted in Australia.

Note that stories identified with a D suffix on the Fantomen Story ID number, were "Djungeläventyr" (Jungle Adventures, 1993-1994). These were regular short stories, mainly focussing on someone other than the Phantom as the main character (for example Rex and Devil). Only four Jungle Adventures were made and none of them have been published by Frew: F459D, F464D, F480D, F489D.

Not included on the list below, but worthy of special mention, is the epic story "Mörkrets Hjärta" (The Heart of Darkness) by Claes Reimerthi and Joan Boix. With a total of 352 pages, published in serial form over a period of three years, it is certainly the longest Phantom story ever made. Frew have never published any part of this story, and it would make an ideal candidate for a future Annual Special.

F#Story titleWriterArtistPagesFantomen
001Skatten i dödskallegrottan
The Treasure in the Skull Cave
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson24F 8/1963
The Doubles
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson21F 11/1963
003Havsbottens hemlighet
The Secret of the Ocean Floor
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson24F 3/1964
004Silkessnaran kommer tillbaka
Return of the Thuggees
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson26F 5/1964
005Den ödesdigra jakten
The Fatal Hunt
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson22F 7/1964
006Den stora tågkuppen
The Great Train Robbery
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson28F 10/1964
007De förtrollade krigarna
The Enchanted Warriors
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson25F 11/1964
008Järnhanden kommer tillbaka
Return of the Iron Hand
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson24F 13/1964
The Demon Mountains
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson27F 15/1964
010Den vita noshörningen
The White Rhino
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson26F 17/1964
The Jungle Dragon
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson26F 14/1965
The Rocket Mystery
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson26F 17/1965
016Mysteriet med Fantomens goda märke
The Mystery of the Phantom's Good Mark
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson24F 19/1965
017Mysteriet med den röda masken
The Mystery of the Red Mask
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson25F 5/1966
018Den stora bankkuppen
The Great Bank Robbery
GohsGohs25F 11/1966
019Översvämning i djungeln
Flood in the Jungle
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson26F 15/1967
020Den stulna B52:an
The Stolen B52
WilhelmssonWilhelmsson24F 3/1970
The Treasure Seeker
EralpEralp25F 4/1970
023Skräckens berg
Mountain of Horror
KnutssonWilhelmsson26F 9/1970
The Gladiators
EralpEralp24F 10/1970
The Earthquake
LundströmGohs12F 11/1970
033Floden som försvinner
The River that Disappears
LundströmWilhelmsson24F 24/1970
The Water Test
LundströmWilhelmsson24F 26/1970
038Det hemliga riket
The Secret Kingdom
LundströmWilhelmsson24F 11/1971
040Plantagens hemlighet
The Secret of the Plantation
LundströmWilhelmsson24F 16/1971
044Den döda floden
The Dead River
KnutssonVallvé24F 1/1972
046Den glömda dalen
The Forgotten Valley
LundströmBergman/Wilhelmsson 24F 6/1972
047Den falske kommendanten
The False Commendant
LundströmWilhelmsson25F 7/1972
048Spöket på Tamba-sjön
The Ghost on Tamba Lake
LundströmVallvé23F 9/1972
049Singhpiraternas skatt
The Treasure of the Singh Pirates
LundströmEralp17F 11/1972
The Slaves
KnutssonVallvé22F 14/1972
The River Spirit
LundströmWilhelmsson22F 15/1972
055De tusen tigrarna
The Thousand Tigers
Hartler/MagnussonVallvé20F 20/1972
The Diamond War
KnutssonVallvé24F 1/1973
061Den försvunna guldtransporten
The Missing Gold Transport
EralpEralp12F 2/1973
The Trade War
LundströmWilhelmsson25F 3/1973
063Diana i Djungelpatrullen
Diana in the Jungle Patrol
KnutssonVallvé25F 5/1973
064Intrig i Istanbul
Intrigue in Istanbul
LundströmEralp23F 6/1973
The Plague
LundströmWilhelmsson26F 9/1973
The Counterfeit Gang
HartlerWilhelmsson25F 15/1973
070Joomba försvunnen
Joomba Missing
EralpEralp9F 19/1973
072Tempelruinens gåta
The Secret of the Temple Ruin
KnutssonJansson11F 23/1973
075De dödskallemärkta
The Skull-Marked
LundströmWilhelmsson27F 1/1974
The Snake Girl
LundströmVallvé25F 2/1974
The Jungle Demon
EralpEralp10F 3/1974
The Poachers
KnutssonJansson16F 3/1974
The Elephant's Graveyard
EralpEralp16F 6/1974
The Pirate Treasure
EralpEralp13F 6/1974
The Protectors
KnutssonWilhelmsson24F 9/1974
082ZombieLundströmVallvé24F 10/1974
The Escape
EralpEralp10F 11/1974
085Dubbel kidnappning
Double Kidnapping
LundströmWilhelmsson25F 16/1974
The Parasite
LundströmVallvé22F 17/1974
087Terror i öknen
Terror in the Desert
LundströmEralp10F 17/1974
088Nattens gäster
Guests of the Night
EralpEralp11F 21/1974
089Ondskans lustgård
The Guarden of Evil
EralpEralp15F 21/1974
LundströmVallvé27F 22/1974
091Kolgruvans hemlighet
The Secret of the Coal Mine
LundströmEralp25F 23/1974
093Skatten från Peking
The Treasure from Peking
LundströmWilhelmsson26F 26/1974
The Demon Mask
LundströmVallvé24F 1/1975
095Fången i Venedig
The Prisoner in Venice
LundströmVallvé28F 2/1975
The Slavers
Eralp/LundströmEralp19F 3/1975
097Vråkarnas hämnd
Revenge of the Vultures
GranbergWilhelmsson25F 4/1975
098Diana gift
Diana Married
Eralp/LundströmEralp18F 6/1975
099Yogamannens skatt
Treasure of the Yoga Man
Granberg/LundströmVallvé26F 8/1975
100Wagon MasterGranberg/LundströmEralp24F 9/1975
102Flygplan kapat
Airplane Hijacked
LundströmWilhelmsson23F 11/1975
103Grigors hämnd
Grigor's Revenge
KnutssonBade14F 12/1975
105Lauranns bröllop
Laurann's Wedding
Granberg/LundströmEralp18F 15/1975
Plutonium Terror
LundströmWilhelmsson24F 17/1975
107Medicinmannens förbannelse
Curse of the Medicine Man
LundströmWilhelmsson16F 18/1975
108Sir Fantom - Riddare av det runda bordet
Sir Phantom - Knight of the Round Table
Vallvé/GranbergVallvé20F 19/1975
The Treasure Hunt
LundströmVallvé21F 20/1975
110Statyetternas gåta
The Secret of the Statues
LundströmEralp17F 21/1975
The Indian Hater
LundströmEralp19F 24/1975
The Double
GranbergBade22F 26/1975
114Vampyren i Carpatia
The Vampire in Carpatia
Vallvé/GranbergVallvé25F 1/1976
The Blood Gold
EklundBade26F 7/1976
118Dödligt skämt
Deadly Joke
LundströmWilhelmsson26F 9/1976
The Witch
Eralp/GranbergEralp20F 19/1976
The Traitor
Eralp/GranbergEralp14F 19/1976
126Heros äventyr
Hero's Adventure
BadeBade25F 20/1976
127Skräckens stad
The City of Horror
WorkerWilhelmsson/Eralp 32F 22/1976
Atomic Terror
EklundWilhelmsson/Eralp 32F 24/1976
131Den siste Shogun
The Last Shogun
WorkerMaidagan25F 27/1976
132På förbjuden mark
On Forbidden Land
LundströmVallvé28F 1/1977
137Tyrannen i Tiang
The Tyrant in Tiang
WorkerWilhelmsson/Eralp 31F 9/1977
The Gold Mystery
LundströmBade32F 16/1977
The Skeleton Coast
WorkerBess34F 17/1977
143Matros Walker
Seaman Walker
Andersson/GranbergVallvé32F 19/1977
149Farofylld semester
Dangerous Vacation
Vallvé/GranbergVallvé32F 4/1978
The Jackal
WorkerBade34F 5/1978
The Nuclear Pirates
WorkerBess34F 9/1978
The Ghost Cliff
WorkerBess31F 13/1978
156Onda makter
Evil Forces
WorkerVallvé32F 14/1978
157De gyllene mannekängerna
The Golden Mannequins
Vallvé/GranbergVallvé30F 18/1978
159Svindlande affärer
Dizzying Affairs
AvenellEralp33F 20/1978
160Grottöns hemlighet
Secret of the Cave Island
WorkerBess32F 21/1978
The Art Collector
AvenellVallvé32F 23/1978
The Storm
WorkerBess32F 24/1978
163Flykten från Bastiljen
The Escape from the Bastille
WorkerVallvé32F 25/1978
The Truck Pirates
WorkerVallvé32F 4/1979
167Falskt spel
False Play
AvenellEralp31F 5/1979
168Röda Drakens pirater, del 1:
Prinsessan Sin
Pirates of the Red Dragon, Part 1:
Princess Sin
WorkerBess32F 6/1979
169Röda Drakens pirater, del 2:
Dödlig passion
Pirates of the Red Dragon, Part 2:
Deadly Passion
WorkerBess32F 9/1979
171Röda Drakens pirater, del 3:
Dömd till undergång
Pirates of the Red Dragon, Part 3:
Sentenced to Doom
WorkerBess32F 12/1979
172Farligt arv
Dangerous Inheritance
Vallvé/GranbergVallvé32F 13/1979
173Det ryska schackpartiet
The Russian Chess Game
AvenellVallvé40F 14/1979
174Llongos amulett
The Amulet of the Llongo
AvenellBade32F 15/1979
175Grand PrixWorkerWilhelmsson/Eralp 32F 17/1979
The Airplane Pirates
WorkerVallvé32F 21/1979
Plague Warning
AvenellBade32F 22/1979
181Karneval i Rio
Carnival in Rio
WorkerWestad31F 26/1979
185Skatten från Rhodos
The Treasure from Rhodos
WorkerLeppänen32F 6/1980
186Det farliga porträttet
The Dangerous Portrait
Vallvé/GranbergVallvé32F 9/1980
187De gåtfulla morden
The Mysterious Murders
AvenellEralp32F 12/1980
188Sir Thomas hämnd
Sir Thomas' Revenge
GranbergVallvé40F 14/1980
189Sanloi-buktens hemlighet
The Secret of Sanloi Bay
WorkerBade32F 16/1980
193Orientexpressen, del 1
The Orient Express, Part 1
WorkerVallvé32F 25/1980
194Orientexpressen, del 2
The Orient Express, Part 2
WorkerVallvé32F 26/1980
The Trap
AvenellBess32F 1/1981
The Fishing War
WorkerLeppänen32F 2/1981
The River Mystery
AvenellBade32F 4/1981
The Gold of the Incas
WorkerVallvé32F 6/1981
The Dictator
AvenellWestad32F 7/1981
200Stenslättens hemlighet
The Secret of the Stone Plain
WorkerBess32F 8/1981
The Arsonist
AvenellBade32F 10/1981
202Djungelns budbärare
The Messengers of the Jungle
AvenellBess32F 11/1981
The Imperial Treasure
GranbergVallvé32F 12/1981
Weapon Smuggling
KharelliWestad25F 16/1981
207Vasti RibaKharelliVallvé32F 18/1981
208Dödlig sammansvärjning
Deadly Conspiracy
WorkerBess32F 19/1981
The Moon Herb
AvenellEralp34F 23/1981
211Häxornas sabbat
The Witches' Sabbath
KharelliWestad32F 26/1981
KharelliAasnes26F 1/1982
213Den ödelagda regnskogen
The Destroyed Rain Forest
WorkerBade34F 2/1982
214Prima BallerinaKharelliBess32F 4/1982
The Tulip Swindle
GranbergVallvé40F 5/1982
The Stone Carving People
AvenellBade31F 6/1982
218I fredens tjänst
In the Service of Peace
KharelliBess32F 9/1982
219Diana bortrövad
Diana Abducted
KharelliVallvé32F 11/1982
The Murderer
GranbergVallvé32F 12/1982
222Satellitens hemlighet
Secret of the Satellite
WorkerVallvé32F 18/1982
The Boy Detectives
AvenellBess32F 20/1982
224Den gåtfulla grottan
The Mysterious Cave
KharelliBess32F 21/1982
225Ch'Gaans förbannelse
Ch'Gaan's Curse
KharelliBess32F 23/1982
227Den gömda dalen
The Hidden Valley
WorkerBade33F 1/1983
The Child Farm
DarellVallvé32F 10/1983
235Dödens mask
The Mask of Death
GranbergVallvé32F 13/1983
238Död mans guld
Dead Man's Gold
WorkerEralp32F 17/1983
The Leopard Cult
WorkerVallvé32F 19/1983
241Den viskande statyn
The Whispering Statue
AvenellBade32F 22/1983
The Devil's Smoke
DarellBess32F 27/1983
The Dagger
DarellVallvé32F 3/1984
249HeroAvenellVallvé32F 7/1984
The Woman Killer
KharelliWestad32F 8/1984
The Convent Treasure
AvenellBade32F 9/1984
253Gula ormens pirater
Pirates of the Yellow Snake
WorkerVallvé32F 11/1984
The Curse
DarellEralp22F 12/1984
255Barracudas skatt
The Treasure of the Barracuda
WorkerVallvé46F 13/1984
The Snake Ring
DarellLeppänen32F 14/1984
The Secret
AvenellVallvé32F 16/1984
259Fantomens hemliga sidor
The Phantom's Secret Pages
Granberg/Kharelli/RednoLeppänen ?F 17/1984
262Poker med en vålnad
Poker with a Ghost
WorkerEralp34F 20/1984
Gold Fever
TierresVallvé32F 22/1984
265Fången på spökskeppet
The Prisoner on the Ghost Ship
TierresVallvé32F 23/1984
Plague Infected
WorkerVallvé32F 24/1984
268Dödens dal
The Valley of Death
DarellBade28F 26/1984
The Tiger God
DarellVallvé28F 2/1985
The Gold Snake
Kharelli/RednoLeppänen15F 5-14/1985
274Black Poes skatt
Black Poe's Treasure
GaurazBess32F 7/1985
The Temple Treasure
Falck/Wrethagen/GranbergLeppänen24F 9/1985
278Skatten i borgen
The Treasure in the Castle
Kharelli/GranbergVallvé32F 12/1985
279Fången på Capitolium
The Prisoner at Capitolium
Kharelli/GranbergVallvé32F 13/1985
280Yohimbas gåva eller
Gurans hemlighet
Yohimba's Gift or
Guran's Secret
KharelliEralp30F 14/1985
281Dödens nöjesfält
The Carnival of Death
TierresVallvé32F 15/1985
282Den gråtande gudabilden
The Crying Idol
TierresBess32F 16/1985
285Kistan från Bombay
The Coffin From Bombay
TierresVallvé32F 21/1985
286Shamurs öga
Shamur's Eye
TierresVallvé32F 22/1985
290Patrullman Mary
Patrolman Mary
WorkerBade34F 26/1985
292Myntets hemlighet
Secret of the Coin
DarellVallvé28F 3/1986
293Dödens hed
The Moor of Death
TierresVallvé32F 4/1986
296Lätta pengar
Easy Money
TierresBess30F 7/1986
297Skyternas skatt
Treasure of the Scythians
WorkerVallvé32F 8/1986
300Dimöns demon
The Demon of Fog Island
TierresWestad/Eralp34F 11/1986
306Vulkanens hemlighet
Secret of the Volcano
AvenellVallvé28F 19/1986
307Devils äventyr
Devil's Adventure
WorkerStokes28F 20/1986
314Det venetianska spöket
The Venetian Ghost
TierresVallvé48F 4/1987
315Fången som inte fanns
The Prisoner who didn't exist
TierresVallvé32F 5/1987
The Blood Night
TierresVallvé32F 6/1987
The Ghost Ship
TierresWilhelmsson/Eralp 34F 7/1987
The Train Gang
AvenellSpadari30F 11/1987
The Junky
WorkerLeppänen28F 20/1987
329Gandors hämnd
Gandor's Revenge
WorkerVallvé28F 21/1987
330Farornas flod
The River of Horrors
TierresWilhelmsson/Eralp 32F 22/1987
332Jamaica-Jacks skatt
Jamaica Jack's Treasure
TierresVallvé32F 24/1987
333Polymos hemlighet
The Secret of Polymos
AvenellSpadari25F 25/1987
The Elixir Maker
TierresWilhelmsson/Eralp 26F 1/1988
The Minotaurus Cult
TierresVallvé32F 3/1988
339StingAvenellVallvé26F 5/1988
The Wharf Rats
TierresWilhelmsson/Eralp 30F 7/1988
The Monster
AvenellBade30F 9/1988
353Dödligt uppsåt
Deadly Intent
TierresWilhelmsson/Eralp 29F 22/1988
354Satans horn
Satan's Horn
AvenellCruz28F 23/1988
356Duell till döds
Duel to the Death
TierresBade32F 25/1988
The Hunchback
TierresVallvé28F 1/1989
359Den mystiske fången
The Mysterious Prisoner
TierresVallvé28F 2/1989
360Bleka dödens minut
Minute of the Pale Death
TierresVallvé32F 3/1989
The Demon
WorkerVallvé30F 6/1989
371Gycklarnas natt
Night of the Jugglers
TierresVallvé31F 15/1989
372Demonen i tornet
The Demon in the Tower
TierresVallvé32F 16/1989
374Vulkandalens hemlighet
Secret of the Volcano Valley
Eralp/TierresEralp34F 18/1989
380Lotosis skatt
Lotosi's Treasure
AvenellVallvé30F 24/1989
386Brottsplats Manhattan
Crimescene Manhattan
WorkerVallvé32F 4/1990
388JezebelTierresBade31F 6/1990
390Döden i djupet
Death in the Depth
TierresVallvé32F 8/1990
The Oracle
AvenellEralp30F 9/1990
The Golden Beetle
ÅrnesVallvé28F 18/1990
399Djävulens gryta
The Devil's Pot
TierresVallvé28F 19/1990
400De dödsdömdas gruvor
The Mines of the Death Sentenced
ÅrnesBade32F 22/1990
The Dolphin Mystery
TierresFelmang/Ferri 28F 1/1991
The Witch
WorkerVallvé28F 2/1991
411Huggtandsrevets gåta
Mystery of the Reef
GoodallEralp27F 7/1991
412Från andra sidan graven
From the Other Side of the Grave
TierresVallvé30F 8/1991
414Ziggor - den fasansfulle
Ziggor the Horrible
ÅrnesBade30F 11/1991
415Dödens tecken
The Mark of Death
TierresVallvé30F 13/1991
The Devil's Drug
ÅrnesVallvé28F 24/1991
429I dödens skugga
In the Shadow of Death
TierresVallvé32F 4/1992
The Beggar King
HvidstenCruz32F 8/1992
433Kampen för babianerna
The Fight for the Baboons
ÅrnesBade28F 9/1992
434De eviga dimmornas ö
Island of the Eternal Mist
WorkerVallvé28F 10/1992
442De levande dödas ö
The Island of the Living Dead
GoodallVallvé28F 19/1992
446Döden i Venedig
Death in Venice
TierresVallvé28F 24/1992
The Drug Terrorists
ÅrnesBade28F 7/1993
457Prästkungens skatt
City of the Priest King
WorkerVallvé28F 11/1993
459DSavannernas jättar
Giants of the Savannah
WorkerSpadari14F 13/1993
463Argan list
Evil Schemes
TierresFelmang/Benny 32F 17/1993
464DDevil i New York
Devil in New York
ÅrnesSpadari14F 17/1993
465Piraternas rike
Kingdom of the Pirates
WorkerVallvé24F 18/1993
471Talande trummor
Talking Drums
SchröderBade28F 24/1993
473Felande länken
The Missing Link
TierresFelmang/Benny 28F 25/1993
480DGuldbehållarens gåta
Secret of the Gold Container
ÅrnesSpadari20F 5/1994
SchröderNagy/Vallvé 26F 6/1994
489DCaesars lagekrans
Caesar's Laurel
ÅrnesBade20F 13/1994
494Viyayas guldskatt
Viyaya's Golden Treasure
PettersenBade31F 17/1994
495Magnetisörens hämnd
Revenge of the Hypnotist
ReimerthiCruz32F 18/1994
502Mord i blick
Murder in the Eyes
De PaulLeppänen30F 25/1994
513Demonens avbild
The Demon's Image
De PaulBade34F 10/1995
The Wedding Gifts
AvenellFelmang/Ferri/Benny33F 12/1995
Tio tigrars styrka
The Jungle Sayings:
The Strength of Ten Tigers
WorkerVallvé22F 15/1996
The Pugilist
ReimerthiFelmang/Benny32F 21/1996
The Ghost Train
De PaulBade32F 17/1997
The Hero
RaabDan Davis10F 17/2001
The Bengali Triangle
JönssonPerlin31F 13/2002

Return to the Deep Woods

Bryan Shedden /
Last updated 5 May 2007