Phantom News

The (previous) latest happenings in The Phantom's world.

January - December 1999

16th December 1999
4th November 1999
21st October 1999
7th October 1999
26th September 1999
9th September 1999
28th August 1999
26th August 1999
7th August 1999
8th July 1999
26th June 1999
20th June 1999
5th June 1999
29th May 1999
3rd May 1999
13th April 1999
8th April 1999
28th March 1999
24th March 1999
15th March 1999
28th February 1999
8th February 1999
22nd January 1999
14th January 1999
7th January 1999

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Bryan Shedden /